Dienstag, 28. Februar 2017

90 Day Turkish challenge - Day 4 - What to do when you are busy

Hey Folks.

As I went about learning Swedish and Turkish, I soon recognized that I did not always have time to do so. So I had the Problem that there were days where I could not do anything. Sometimes I was at vacation with my Partner or with my Family or had visitors. So the only solution therefore was to do something in the morning or in the evening and even then I did not always have the time for it.

So I decided to share my opinion on this topic.

Firstly: that is perfectly acceptable. If you can not learn due to a lack of time, that is fine. Do not stress yourself therefore. If for example there is one day in the week (for example saturday) when you have not got time to learn anything, then rearange you schedule. You do not have to force yourself to do anything. Because then learning will become stressfull and stops being funny and exciting.

Secondly: There are some things you can do on such days: You can listen to music in a foreign language in the background, listen to dadio in the target language. Noone will judge you for doing this. Maybe your guests or whatever will like the music and this is fine.
Another possibility is reading a newspaper in the target language. There are dozens of newspaper on the internet easily accessable for everyone. Read them or better: listen to them. You could also have a chat with a person in that language (via whatsapp or facebook..). For example when you are in the bathroom or when the person you are arround with is. Even when those are just a few minutes each time that will help you enormously!

So take those tips if you have no time to sit down and learn and see how it will help you.

PS: I am sorry for posting so irregularly but I am at vacation and the only possibility for me to write articles is to go to the public library which I had not have time for the last two days. But I am looking forward to go there the next days until saturday. Because of this there will be three articles today.

Thank you for reading,
Best regards,

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