Donnerstag, 23. Februar 2017

90 Day Turkish Challenge - Day 1

90 Day Turkish Challenge - Day 1

Collecting Material.

Hello dear readers.

Today is the first day I am learning turkish. So far I started collecting material for learning it. First of all I went to the local library and borrowed two courses. First there is "Haya tatile! - Türkisch für den Urlab" (turkish for vacation) from the "Hueber"- publisher. Secondly there is "Lextra - Sprachkurs Plus Türkisch" by Cornelsen. Both are made for beginners.

Next I had been looking for some people to learn with. This is always great because you meet amazing people you can talk to, have discussions with or just chat. I did it via Italki, which is a great website therefore. 

Last but not least I had been looking for turkish rocko musicians and bands. I love to listen to rock and heavy Metal music so thats what I like and what will help me learn the language. There are great Bands Like "Neyse", "Malt" or "Ayşe Saran". 

What I did today was listening to the music over and over again and to start decoding the lyrics of the song as well as a text from one book. I personally really like the sound of that language. There is a certain harmony every word has. Also it is really phonetic, what is really helpful to you. Phonetic means that you say exactly what you write. English is a great example for a non-phonetic language. Just look at the words: "to", "too", "two". They are pronounced in the same way, even though they are written so differently. 

For the next days and the next week my plan is to start decoding about 10 songs and 4 texts from those books and listen to them over and over again. So I will get a feeling for the sound and the harmony of the language while I learn basic vocabulary withouth spending any effort on learning grammar rules.

I am really enthusiastic about it and hope to gain a little knowledge until next week, because I want to go to a turkish market where I hope to have a small turkish conversation at the checkout.

I do not know whether it will happen to have some basic conversation, but I hope so! If I manage to learn about two to three hours a day, that will work perfectly fine! Even a "Hello" and "Thank you, goodbye" would be a succes to me. I never had a conversation at this early stage.

Thank you for following me!
Best regards, 

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