Donnerstag, 23. Februar 2017

90 Day Challenge

Announcement: The 90 day turkish challenge.

Hello dear followers.

I have decided to learn a new language from almost scratch: Turkish.
In chose to learn for 90 days to reach fluency. My goal is to have a decent conversation, to understand most of the radio, to read easy novels, to go shopping at a turkish market.

I chose 90 days because three months are a period of time where your motivation is very high. It shrinks naturally after those three months, so you will have the most succes within those 90 days. The inspiration for sharing my progress with you was given to me by the great Youtube-Polyglot Steve Kaufman. He did a 90-day Korean challenge and in my opinion that is so damn fantastic! Like him and many other Youtubers and Bloggers I want to do the same.

There are three major reasons why I chose to learn turkish:

  1. It is a completely different language from what I know so far.
    I know to speak German, English and partially how to speak Swedish. All three are germanic languages. They are quite similar in terms of vocabulary, grammar and sentence structure. I also have got a little knowledge in Latin, which is also a indoeuropean language. Turkish is a Turkic language, it has so many differences from the ones I know, so I thought that might be interesting and challenging.
  2. There are 2.5 million Turkish people in Germany and I have got some turkish friends.
    So I can practice it everywhere. At the kebap-shop, at the turkish supermarket or when meeting up with people I know.
  3. I am interested in the turkish culture: History of the Ottoman Empire, The role of Turkey in the  modern day world, the history of the Turkish people in central asia. All of that is so fascinating to me. So I can choose content that interests and excites me.

As I learned Swedish, not knowing how to learn a foreign language, I was not sure how to deal with it. I started using learning software, post-its and Listening. 

Now I want to become a more structured language learner. So I decided to create a schedule.
For every week within those days there will be a plan on what to do. Not for every day because most of the time I am going to do the same. But I will give a review of my progress every day. (Except some saturdays and sundays when there is no computer available.)

I want to share my whole progress with you! To inspire you, to give you tips on how to learn a language. 

"Because of language, man has acces to the past and the future. He can express the true and the untrue. Language helps him understand both what is what could be." - Wesley Douglass Camp

So keep on reading if you want to participate on my progress. Remember that the progress of learning a language is the same in every one. So even if you are learning for example Hindi or French, this challenge can inspire you and help you if you get lost in the ocean "language".

Thank you for reading.

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