Montag, 6. März 2017

90 Day Turkish challenge - Day 7 - Going to the Supermarket

Hello dear reader.

On the 7th day of my Turkish challenge I have been at a turkish supermarket and wanted to order and pay in Turkish. So I went there and started speaking with the seller in Turkish. But I recently noticed that the woman was not able to understand me because even though I repeated my order three times she looked at me in a very confused way. Afterwards I switched back to German and told her that I just started learning Turkish and wanted to have a little conversation, but she told me that she could not speak Turkish since she is not from Turkey. After that answer we both had to laugh loudly. So I had to order my food in German before I left the market.

This story showed me something: Even though there might be some embarassing situations especially when you start speaking the first few time, that is entirely fine. If someone does not understand you, they will tell you.

But if you do not start to talk, you will never be able to do so. Of course you do not have to start right at the beginning, I just did because I wanted the great "küçük Pide" they had and thought it was fun to order it in Turkish. I think it is good to talk as soon as possible, because that is what languages are all about.

I also have to admit that Turkish is really easy to pronounce and to understand for german speakers because the pronounciation is really similar to the German one and because it is phonetic, that means that you speak exactly the way you write. And every letter has one prononciation, not like in english where you make a difference between u in "use" or in "cut".

In This case:
Thank you for reading.
Best regards,

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