Mittwoch, 22. März 2017

Learning Maths, or other subjects in a foreign language

Hello dear reader.

As my exams become closer in time, I have to learn a huge amount of material. Because of that my language learning gets shortened. So what I have to do is trying to combine both, learning for school and learning Swedish and Turkish.

How am I doing that?

Donnerstag, 16. März 2017

90 Day Turkish Challenge - Day 15 - 22 - Time

Hello Dear Followers,

I have realized that sometimes it is hard to understand certain texts I listen to. Sometimes I listen more than twenty or thirty times to a particular spoken text while reading until I understand all of the words. Even easy texts.

Especially when learning Turkish that is one of the main issues I deal with because it differs so much from my native language German. Almost no similarity.
The grammar could not be more different, the vocabulary and the vowelharmony are also entirely different from the germanic languages. And I have to get used to it.

Mittwoch, 8. März 2017

90 Day Turkish challenge - Days 8-14 - Know Why you are learning your language!

Hello dear Reader.

In this article I will combine days 8 - 14, Because of a lack of Time, I deeply apologize for that. But I did nothing realy special in those days except listening and reading. Due to this I want to change my 3 month challenge towards weekly reports. I am doing this because I have to write my exams in two months so I will not be able to write dayli texts.

Today I want to talk about knowing your goals, know why you learn a language.
There are many people out there learning language. All of my friends had to learn either Spanish or English or French or Latin in school, I chose Latin. And some of them speak the languages really well. Some of them are even perfectly fluent there. But why is that the case?
Why are there some language learners out there who speak two, three, four or even more languages fluently or at a very high level like B2 or C1?

Montag, 6. März 2017

90 Day Turkish challenge - Day 7 - Going to the Supermarket

Hello dear reader.

On the 7th day of my Turkish challenge I have been at a turkish supermarket and wanted to order and pay in Turkish. So I went there and started speaking with the seller in Turkish. But I recently noticed that the woman was not able to understand me because even though I repeated my order three times she looked at me in a very confused way. Afterwards I switched back to German and told her that I just started learning Turkish and wanted to have a little conversation, but she told me that she could not speak Turkish since she is not from Turkey. After that answer we both had to laugh loudly. So I had to order my food in German before I left the market.

Sonntag, 5. März 2017

90 Day Turkish language - Day 6 - Textbooks

Hello dear reader.

I am so sorry for not writing articles the last few days, although I wanted to do so every day, but I could not since I was quiet busy those days and there was no internet connection available. In exchange there will be more articles the next days. And I combine some of those days.
Thank you for your comprehension.

I really love Books. I read a lot. So I love going to libraries. At my sixth day I visited the public library and chose some books about the turkish language. There was a textbook from "Klett", a German publisher. It took my interested and I decided going through that book.